
11 Ways to Boost Your Self-Worth & Value

Happiness is elusive without a sense of self-worth. If you’re not happy with yourself, how can you be happy about life in general? Self-worth is about believing that you have value as a person. It’s not how you compare to others. It’s your belief in your intrinsic value as a human being. We’re all important. Some of us just require a little more convincing than others.

Here are 11 ways to maximize your feelings of self-worth:

Boost Your Self-Confidence

1. Forgive yourself. You have plenty of guilt and resentment toward yourself that you’ve been carrying around for years. You chose the wrong major in college or broke up with your significant other via text. Give yourself a break and vow to do better in the future.

2. Volunteer. Spending your time in a valuable and selfless way is a quick means of raising your opinion about yourself. Just two hours a week has been shown to make a difference.

3. Avoid gossiping. Gossip probably has gotten you into trouble in the past, and you know you shouldn’t do it. Try pointing out positive traits and actions in others instead. You’ll both feel better!

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4. Face a few of your smaller fears. We feel bad that we’re afraid of things that we know we shouldn’t fear. Face a few small fears and overcome them. You’ll be impressed with yourself.

5. Set personal boundaries and enforce them. There’s no reason to allow others to use or manipulate you. Decide what you consider to be reasonable behavior and enforce it. Word will spread, and your life will be smoother.

6. Set goals you can achieve. It’s important to have big goals, but small goals are important, too. Big goals lead to enormous accomplishments, but smaller goals can provide a great lift to your self-worth. Make it easy to succeed regularly. Completing your daily to-do list is an example of completing a smaller goal.

The Pomodoro Technique

7. Define your values and live by them. It’s important to determine what you’re willing to do and what you’re not willing to do, as well as what’s important and unimportant to you. If you’re able to live by these values, you won’t have a reason to think badly of yourself.

Most people don’t take the time to define their values. They rely on a vague sense of right and wrong from childhood. Give it some thought and put your ideas down on paper. When you’re stuck with a tough decision, pull out the list.

8. Be willing to make changes in your life. The same life will provide the same results. Some changes will be necessary if your goal is to enhance your self-worth.

9. Voice your opinion. Do you keep your opinion to yourself because you think no one cares? Maybe you put everyone else’s happiness above your own. Neither is good for your self-image. Your opinion matters. Share it.

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10. Minimize time spent with others who don’t appreciate you. Do you have a friend or family member that drags down your self-worth? Think about letting them go or spending less time with them.

11. Make decisions. Indecisiveness creates stress and frustration. It’s also a way of avoiding responsibility. Take a reasonable amount of time and then pull the trigger. You’ll feel more in control of your life.

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When you think negatively about yourself, you lower your expectations. You even begin to look for reasons to support those thoughts. This is the ultimate in self-defeating behaviors. Your feelings of self-worth influence your ability to be happy and successful. Be proud of who you are as a person. Life will be easier and more enjoyable!

Sad woman with low self-worth

About Dr. Suweeyah Salih

Author and life coach helping you become your best and most authentic self.

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