How To Deal With A Narcissistic Parent: 5 Powerful Tips For Surviving And Thriving

Survive a Narcissistic Parent

Raising children is one of the most rewarding and challenging things a human can do. However, there are also plenty of children who were raised by narcissistic parents who have lasting and deleterious effects. If you or someone you know is struggling with the effects of being raised by a narcissistic parent, read on for five tips on how to deal with this difficult situation.

What Is A Narcissistic Parent?

A narcissistic parent is often self-centered, controlling, and demanding. They may have a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement. Narcissists are averse to criticism and may be hypersensitive to any slight or insult.

The effects of living with a narcissist can be long-lasting. The child of a narcissist may feel like they are never good enough, that they can never live up to their parent’s expectations, or that they will never measure up.

They might also feel like they cannot trust anyone else because the narcissistic parent has taught them not to rely on others for anything. These children grow up feeling isolated and alone – even when surrounded by people who care about them dearly.

What Are The Effects Of Being Raised By A Narcissistic Parent?

The effects of being raised by a narcissistic parent can be devastating. Children of a narcissist often suffer from a number of problems, including:

1. Low self-esteem

2. A lack of trust in themselves

3. Anxiety and depression

4. Poor communication skills

5. A lack of self-awareness

6. A sense of entitlement

7. Unhealthy relationships

8. Feeling overwhelmed

How To Deal With A Narcissistic Parent

Here are five tips on how to deal with a narcissistic parent:

1. Accept that you were raised by a narcissist and that it is not your fault.

It is not your fault that you were raised by a narcissistic parent. In fact, it is not your fault in the slightest! Narcissist parents are incredibly complex and difficult to deal with, but this does not mean that you are to blame for their actions. 

2. Understand that you are not alone. There are plenty of others who have experienced the same thing and can help you through this difficult time.

Many people have experienced the hurt and damage caused by a narcissistic parent. It’s important to remember that you are not alone in your struggles with a narcissist. There are plenty of others who have experienced the same thing and can offer you support.

3. Seek professional help if you are struggling. A therapist or counselor can help you deal with the emotional trauma you experienced as a child and help you move on.

No one knows what it’s like to be the child of a narcissistic parent. If dealing with a narcissist parent is proving too difficult or too painful, consider seeking professional help. A therapist or counselor can help you deal with the emotional trauma you experienced as a child and help you move on.

4. Tell your narcissistic parent what you need and expect from them. This will help to create a stable and healthy relationship.

Narcissistic parents often feel entitled to special treatment from their children, which can lead them to try to control everything about the child’s life. Make it clear from the beginning who handles what in your relationship. Stick by your boundaries, even if it makes things difficult for them.

5. Narcissistic parents like to control, so plan to avoid their manipulative ways as you heal.

Remember that you don’t have to let your narcissistic parent control your life. Stand up to them and refuse to be pulled back into their toxic ways. Be confident in yourself and your own abilities, and don’t let them intimidate or bully you.

How To Respond To A Narcissistic Parent

No one is immune to the effects of a narcissistic parent. However, with the right attitude and some coping skills, you can survive and thrive. Here are four ways to respond to a narcissist parent’s negative behavior:

1. Recognize that you’re not alone. While it may feel like your world is spinning out of control, remember that there are others who have gone through this before and survived. Talk to someone who can lend a listening ear—a friend, family member or therapist can all be supportive.

2. Don’t react instinctively. If your parent puts you down or criticizes everything you do, it’s tempting to respond in kind. Resist this temptation—responding in a negative manner only makes things worse for both of you. Instead, remain calm and come up with alternatives for solving problems.

3. Stay positive and upbeat. No matter how challenging life gets with a narcissistic parent, don’t give up on yourself or your dreams. Remind yourself that there are good days and bad days—but ultimately, you’re strong enough to make it through anything!

4) Take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself is key when dealing with a narcissistic parent. Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. Also, try to keep your stress levels down by taking some time for yourself each day. This will help you stay strong and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the narcissist’s behavior.

Feeling that self-worth


It is difficult to heal from a childhood with a narcissist. But it is possible. In this article, I provided you with 5 tips on how to survive and thrive with a narcissistic parent.

If you or someone you know is struggling, please seek professional counseling or therapy. In the meantime, I hope these tips can help you on your journey. It’s important to know that you’re not alone in this situation and that there is help available for you if you need it.

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